utviklet for små selskap

Bærekraftsrapp-ortering for SMB

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Transition LAB Experiments
Why Experimenting?
Researchers have found that strengthening niche innovations from a bottom-up perspective is key if we aim to accelerate a fruitful sustainability transition. Experimenting is further highlighted as an important step in order to learn which niche innovations to focus on, and which to leave behind.

What We Do In Our Lab

Our transition lab is where we experiment with niche innovations such as novel technologies, regenerative materials, real world testbeds of better futures and other moonshot ideas.

Ongoing Projects
We are currently exploring seaweed through investigating applications and potential for scalable production. Furthermore, we are initiating a multistakeholder process at Tofte exploring the potential for a regenerative whole living society.

Is this right up your alley?
The future needs to be invented, and you are;
An investor, a decision maker in private or public sector or an entrepreneur without a project? Operating in a 2 year time horizon, or longer? Seeking to explore and co-create new business opportunities in a low carbon economy?

If yes to 2 or more of the questions above, please don't hesitate to contact us for a digital coffee.
Research, Education & Storytelling
The Importance Of Knowledge
We belive we can help others in their sustainability transitions by sharing our knowledge, insights and findings. Thus, we aim at sharing when we can. Specifically, TILT Lab aims at fronting and generating knowledge and findings within the field of system innovation and sustainability transitions, as we belive that there is a need for a systemic perspective when tackling the global grand challenges.

The field of sustainability is new and still an emerging field in the cross section of many disciplines. New knowledge and competence is thus crucial in order to meet the new challenges ahead of us. TILT Lab offers a wide variety of educational programs in the field of sustainability transitions, systems thinking and system innovation. Reach out if you are curious to learn what we can do for your organisation.

Narratives are central in how we humans organise our society. Further, we tend to remember and process information better when it is presented as a story because narratives reach deep into our psyche and provide a deeper understanding of concepts, thoughts, and ideas. Through these stories, people make sense of the whole and discover how the world fits together. Our collective stories are currently under thread as narratives are distorted by some few in order to manipulate the many. Therefore, creating new stories of who we are, how we relate to each other and the nature and where we are moving as a society is crucial in order to leverage a sustainable transition. TILT Lab is contributing to new stories through multiple initiatives and projects. We further apply storytelling as a tool in transition processes. Interested in learning more? Please don't hesitate to contact us.
Art & Social Innovation
We curate and create sustainability awareness and community through art and social innovation. Art and social innovation enables a space where one can connect beyond intellect and thinking – on an individual level, as well as on a group level. Contemplating our present and allowing us to dream of utopian futures is a crucial step in order to pave the way for a sustainable future we yearn to live in.

Something for you?
If you are in need of, or curious to include art or social innovation for your festival, seminar or happening of any kind, please don't hesitate to contact us for a digital coffee. We can assist in the concept development, the curation or creation of the happening.
latest case study
Nordic Sustainability Reporting Standard

En tenketankfestival der vi inviterer festivaldeltagerne til en dypere samtale om våre livsstilsvalg og samfunnets systemer.



We have entered an era in which sustainability can no longer be perceived as an economic sacrifice. Firstly, the EU launches progressive new climate regulations on a streak. Secondly, banks and financiers increasingly screen enterprises on the sustainability of their business models and strategies, making capital more expensive for sustainability laggards. Thirdly, consumers all over the world have shown an altered appetite for sustainable products and services.

In the current business landscape therefore, transition is no longer a matter of choice, but rather a question of survival. According to the UNDP ‘Better Business, Better World’ report (UNDP, 2017), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) collectively open up an estimated US$12 trillion in market opportunities. A sustainable transition, therefore, is a crucial lever for innovation, growth and competitive performance.

TILT Lab have broad competencies and high working capacity, they are structured and communicative on budget, progress and status towards milestones. The NSRS-project would not have been delivered on time and budget without the strong efforts of TILT Lab.

Hans Christian Ellefsen
Leader Technology, Innovation & Sustainability
Accounting Norway

Our Clients

We provide a wide range of services to clients from both private and public sector. We are mainly hired in sustainability-oriented projects with high complexity.

Our sustainability experts are fluent in English. However, we have experts proficient in each of the Nordic languages.

TILT Lab impressed me in their management of the process to develop NSRS. They were able to distill complex ESG concepts in a simple and user-friendly way, singling out the most important aspects of sustainability for small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, their simply brilliant process design also made the project a fun one! In sum, I highly recommend working with TILT Lab.

Kristina Alnes
Director & Head of Product Strategy
bootcamp i bærekraftsrapportering

Vanlige spørsmål

Hvis du ikke får svar på det du lurer på, så send en mail.
Hvem passer bootcampen for?
Bootcamp i bærekraftsrapportering passer for små bedrifter som ikke har kommet i gang med bærekraftsarbeidet, men begynner å merke at kunder og investorer stiller nye krav knyttet til bærekraft. Bootcampen er for bedrifter som ikke er direkte truffet av de nye bærekraftsreguleringene.
Hva sitter jeg igjen med etter bootcampen?
Bærekraftsrapport: En bærekraftsrapport i tråd med ledende standard for bærekraftsrapportering for små- og mellomstore bedrifter, Nordic Sustainability Reporting Standard (www.nsrs.eu), Entry Level. 

Kunnskap: Kunnskap om hvordan de nye bærekraftsreguleringene vil endre spillereglene i markedet og hva små bedrifter kan gjøre for å opprettholde konkurransekraften.
Hva kan jeg bruke en NSRS bærekraftsrapport til?
- Gi den til investor som etterspør bærekraftsinformasjon.
- Bruke den i offentlige og private anbudsprosesser på spørsmål om hvordan dere jobber med bærekraft.
- Posisjonere dere mot ulike kundesegnment.
- Rekruttering 

- Styringsverktøy for å sette bærekraftsmål, følge opp og evaluere arbeidet over tid.
- Identifisere forretningsmuligheter innen bærekraft.
Hva er NSRS?
NSRS er forkortelse for Nordic Sustainability Reporting Standard. Det er verdens første standard for bærekraftsrapportering tilpasset små- og mellomstore bedrifter. Standarden ble utviklet av Regnskap Norge og søsterorganisasjonene i Sverige, Finland og Danmark i 2019. TILT Lab ledet utviklingen og var fagpersoner i utformingen av selve standarden.

For mindre bedrifter som ikke har kommet i gang med bærekraftsarbeidet, så er NSRS et godt startpunkt fordi standarden er designet for å være enkel å komme i gang med. I tillegg består standarden av et lappeteppe av rapporteringskrav som større bedrifter vil etterspørre på grunn av alle de nye bærekraftsreguleringene (slik som EUs Taksonomi, CSRD/ESRS, SFDR, Åpenhetsloven og den nye anskaffelsesforordningen).

Les mer om standarden på www.nsrs.eu
Hvorfor trenger små bedrifter en bærekraftsrapport?
"Men, bærekraftsreguleringene treffer ikke meg…"
Siden bærekraftsreguleringene som oftest ikke treffer de små bedriftene direkte, så er en vanlig oppfatning at de ikke trenger å bry seg. Dessverre har vi dårlig nytt: De fleste bærekraftsreguleringene vil kreve at større selskap rapporterer på bærekraft med informasjon fra mindre bedrifter i sine verdikjeder.

Hvis du har kunder som er større selskap, lån i en bank eller en investor, så er det derfor sannsynlig at de nye kravene vil treffe deg indirekte gjennom nye krav i anbudsprosesser, endrede lånebetingelser og nye forventninger fra investorer. I bootcampen vil vi gi en oversikt over hvilke bærekraftsreguleringer som kommer, hva små bedrifter kan gjøre for å verne om egen konkurransekraft og hvordan en bærekraftsrapport i tråd med NSRS tilfredsstiller de nye kravene. 

OBS! Selv om du ikke er direkte truffet i dag, så er det ingen vei utenom. EU har varslet at alle bedrifter med all sannsynlighet være lovpålagt bærekraftsrapportering innen 2026.
Kan bootcampen arrangeres der jeg bor?
Ja, det kan den. Vi kan sette opp bootcamper i hele Norge. Det må være minst 7 påmeldte fra ett område før vi setter opp en bootcamp.

Send oss en mail, så tar vi gjerne en innledende uforplitkende prat for å undersøke hva vi kan få til der du bor.